Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Mansion Cafe

I started last Wednesday, technically should have been Tuesday but I didn't answer my phone or return the call to the agency.

I just didn't feel like talking that day.

The cafe is small with nine tables inside and four outside. The serving area is small but well organised just like the tiny kitchen of which I've seen bigger bathrooms! The walls are yellow and it has the distinct air of a fine eateries.

The food is organic, free range, fair trade and all home made on the premises which means none of this processed junk the type you take from a box and stick in the oven or deep fat fry like many eateries and many people do at home. We don't even have a deep fat fryer.

No chips for you!

The cook and boss is a lovely lady who looks after her staff and customers so well ensuring everyone is happy and pleased something you don't often come across. She prides herself on her work and it's well receive via all giving great positive feedback of her cooking and rightly so.

Other staff are really nice, friendly and helpful though there aren't many of them as the cafe only requires two front of house staff.

A typical day starts with me sorting out the display fridge and preparing the various salads after making myself a cup of tea. Most mornings are very quiet with only a handful of customers most only wanting coffee.

The coffee-well that's a whole new trick for me! There's regular filtered coffee, decaf, espresso, cappucchino, Americana, mocha, frapie-mocha-boca-thingy coffee and more! I'm still in a state of confusion about this coffee thing and how to make any of them! I think I've mastered espresso, cappucchino and obviously filter but the rest might as well be in Greek for all the sense it makes to me.

I'm learning, slowly but I'm getting there.

I serve the customers, take food orders and make some, take money, waitress though not much and help keep the place tidy.

Time flies between twelve thirty and two thirty when all of a sudden everyone comes in and orders meals.

I get quite a lot of perks working in the cafe; free drinks, any drinks, any meal I want for lunch, cigarette breaks when I want and I go half an hour early so I don't have to wait around forty minutes for my bus but I still get paid till the end of my shift.

The job is permanent if I want it which I think I do.


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