Thursday, April 07, 2005


Its the first week back from spring break and I have yet to attend college. Well, I say yet in the aspect I went to college Monday in time for contemporary but due to timetable changes the lesson had been moved. As for the other three days I just haven't been able to leave the house or sleep. I'm scared that the once fear of stepping outside may once again return and I will be trapped inside. AS for the sleeping aspect we all know that I've never been a good sleeper but past recent weeks its been really bad.

I spoke to someone from college and she said people at college are worried about me as I haven't been in and Denise (Ballet and jazz tutor) was expressing concern. After all this time when I thought if I died people wouldn't notice that I was gone.

I was to say the least shocked.

They recognized that I was real, alive and not an invisible devil worshiping Goth. Yah, They think that as I'm a Goth that I must worship the devil.

Devil worshiping Goth.

Little do those naive scousers know about cult beliefs. You know I feel like doing black magic on then, teach them a lesson, vodo dolls with pins and needles.

They better watch it.

Although I'm feeling strange that they acknowledge my very exsistance!


Mia said...

They all know you exsist, and you're even missed...I hope all works out for you and that you're able to resolve your cutting the meantime I hear aloe vera gel and cocoa butter are great for fading scars...Peace, Mia

The invisible Girl said...

Thank you for your comment it means a lot to me. Over the past few weeks I have done a lot of thinking and writing and have jsut got around to posting it all, so when you next see my blog it will be a shock as one of the enteries is 5 A4 pages long!

Thank you again.

Fallen-Angel x