Sunday, March 20, 2005


To be the best you can you need to sacrifice things and at many times others. In what ever career choices make you need to push yourself to the top it won't just happen. Talent is nothing without perseverance and pain. The amount of times you have sat and cried until the tears are no more. Red eyed you sit debating your future and the point in it at all.

Why go through all this for something you say is never going to happen?

To be the very best you can be is hard, harder than you ever imagined. Day after day working so hard that your brain becomes mush, your body is begging you to stop but you can't, you won't. Pain is only superficial, least that's what they tell you. Get to the point of pain and push from there. You won't break, you are not made of glass. Just that little bit further and a bit more.

Having a dream is not enough.

Take me, a dancer, trained for over 16 years. Struggling with more than sweaty tights, blisters and exhaustion. From the naive persons perspective of dancers we have it easy. Easy! They have no insight into our world, what we have to go through to get even this far. Training daily, struggling to put ourselves through training school and then only to get thrown aside my many companies.

So why do we do it?

For the love of dance and the performing arts, the buzz we get from performing, that's why.

So you want to be the best?

Blood, sweat and tears all the way and nightly nine percent of it will be yours. Enter upon this trade at your own parel. Nobody's going to care in this profession if you are ill or having an off day as there are thousands to fill your place and they waiting right behind you. You falter and that's it, one wrong step and your out. Think about it carefully total dedication and more is
what's required everyday without fail.


In this world, the world of the performing arts you must be prepared to sacrifice a lot. Friends and family become second or even third in order of protestation.

Behind closed doors.

In the under world of performing arts lies a deeper sacrifice one that is hidden well behind closed doors. Eating disorders become a way of life and not disorders. Your mind is distorted and paranoia sets in. Inside you know to be the best aside from training and dedication the body image is everything.

Who wants a fat dancer?

Starvation become key factors in this harsh world.

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