Sunday, March 20, 2005

Why lie to them to lie to me to admit?

Why lie to them then lie to me only to later admit to me you lied to me and say you are sorry.

why did you feel you had to lie to me?

Trust is a frail thing in my world and for me to give you trust to have it ripped away cuts deeper than you could ever imagine. The trust has been thrown away and no longer do I trust you and doubt if I ever will. I don't give second chances, not even to you. I told you everything I could let my mouth say and I fear that it will no longer be our secret. They are my secrets and then were ours and now are my problems.

You know who you are.

Just rip my heart out and feed it to me, might as well.

For the damage has bin done, words have been said. All is left is the confrontation and explanation from you even then,

How do I know you are telling the truth?

I let you into my frail and secret world. I exposed you to what you wanted to know. Answered your questions.

I would have done anything for you but no more. Form now on you are alone. Don't get me wrong I'm not disowning you I just don't trust you and never will.

You took it all away.

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