Saturday, January 01, 2005

The reasoning behind it all

Dizzy and confused I wonder the streets.
Comtemplation of my bleak furture is what I think.
To strive for perfection.
Starve for imcaulation.
To do whatever it takes
I'm prepaired.

The warnings and words of others
I can hear them.
I just chose to ignore them.
Shocking images I befriend and admire
for bones are all I want to see.

Pain, blood, sweat and tears.
I can cope with as to reap in the rewards.
My vision of heaven.

The pain of hunger, muscle aches and blackouts.
The blood from my wrists and arms.
The sweat form constant workouts and exercise regimes.
The tears of weakness.

To feel empowered and able must be amazing.
As I think back to before when bleeding, not eating and exercsing wasn't enough
I recal how to count the ribs and feel the colar bone.

To be imaculate and live to show it.

I know I will never be thin enough and when I am I will be dead becasue of the love for ana

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