Friday, November 19, 2004


It's funny how after a while, I don't actually need food, I can cope with out. My stomach is empty, hollow and yet the smell of food dose nothing, I smell but do not crave. I do not need the taste as I have the memories. I only eat when I am near blackout, dizzy, weak and on the brink, but with constant guilt.

To eat is a waste of what little time we have. I see no real reason to consume, its a chore.

The teachings of the mind: Food is pain. It leads to a life of eternal of repent. Self control is vital in order to survive. If you really want this, you need to believe. Are you a believer? To win you must believe in your self control and the control of ana.

Preparation: The key. Prepare yourself to deceive, blag and in other words lie to the ones who mean the most to you. It may not be pleasurable but vital.

Remember its yours and ana's secret.

Anorexia is an art. As an artistic form like dance it takes pure dedication and passion. There is something beautiful and yet morbid about this so-called 'disorder'. However to many including myself, anorexia is far more than that, for its a state of mind, lifestyle, an expression, freedom and a choice.

Inside our bodies we have a little place for ana, its a perfect drug, both harmless and legal, no prescription needed. Ana is the only thing that adds colour and meaning to an otherwise bland existence. For many including myself ana will always be a part of our lives, like a best friend.

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