Sunday, November 14, 2004

Poem: Could we ever be?

The truth my love I see,
for I have read the thoughts
you hide inside your head.

The truth of which I did not know,
I will keep inside my heart.
For I have seen the path
of which love leads.
For you babe
of what you do not know
the paths we go are but one.

I know the love for me you have,
I posses the same for you,
and yet you are unaware
as I am weak and do not tell
for fear of loosing you so dear.

The truth of now of which I feel
I have to put out and deal.
For I know you love another
and we would never be.

You yearn for someone close
and yet I yearn for you.
Oh I wish we could be
but I'm here in reality.

I was jealous of the first time
of your other and yet I fear another.
must I constantly fear for others?
For I love you and want no other.

Please say you'll come with me.
I will protect, love and keep you warm.
I will give you eternal happiness
and in return I will have peace of mind
for knowing forever you are mine.

For ever to love?
I always will.

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