Sunday, November 14, 2004

Poem for ana

If I eat I die.
If I starve I live.
To be as light as air,
to you I give.

Am I asking to much,
to be as thin as a match?
The body a vessel, it carries me.

Catch me!
I made of glass.
If you drop me I'm gonna smash.

The vessel,
it carries as you float on down,
you want to fit in, to wear the gown and
to bear the crown.

I'm drunk on water.
Feeding off the air.
Do I dare?

My body maybe weak,
but my mind is strong.
each day I speak,
but my life is bleak.

I'm fading away,
a little each day.
How much more.
will I make another day?
Who knows?
slowly slippinn away.

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