Tuesday, November 23, 2004

In the mirror

I stood today looking in the mirror and all I saw was this desperate sad girl looking back. Everything seems bleak, a blur we call reality.

Discussing our futures today and what will become of us. There is doubt in my mind of what life holds for me if I must go on, I'm surviving instead of living. I know we all have to go on at times when all you want to do is just throw the towel in and die. Sitting in the tutor room listening to all the people tell of their lives laid out. How much of its realty and how much is just a dream?
My future seems to be disappearing, as I do by the day. All I do is question my ability and stare at my imperfections.

Will I ever be good enough?

I am dedicated to dance, I just feel I shouldn't go on. I've always had a little doubt in my mind weather I will ever be good enough, I guess every dancer dose. I know "I'm good" but is it enough? The teachers and students comment daily on how beautiful my feet and lags are, they ask how I do it. Its natural I guess but with fifteen years of hard work and training behind you, you would think it natural to point that way and to hold your leg so high.

I just want to be the best, is that asking to much?

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