Monday, December 12, 2005

A new start to a new life

Things have changed so much over the past six months, partly for the good and partly for the not so good.

I moved back to my parents after graduating from Liverpool College in June. I moved into the caravan, in their front yard which wasn't that bad because I had my own phone and I was secluded from the rest of the family. Whilst living in the caravan I had a few lousy jobs that didn't last. Now living in the house things are looking up. I work for an agency doing all kinds of jobs.

Over the summer I got to know my now girlfriend, Dude.
I'm glad we had the courrage to tell each other how we really felt because I couldn't go through with another Rick fiasco. On the 21st of December I am moving in with her, I can't wait to get out of this house of constant abuse.


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