Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Take a scapulae to my gum?!

I woke up last Thursday with a pain in my broken tooth, a tooth I broke on my girlfriend's cooking last year. The pain intensified and by Friday night I was crying in agony. Saturday I went to work with my big sister cleaning a holiday park. The pain didn't cease with umpteen amounts of paracetamol. I ended up crying at work and being sick due to the sheer amount of painkillers I took that morning.

Saturday night I was supposed to go out with a friend who was down from Birmingham who I'd meet in Liverpool. Instead I spent the evening in casualty with my big sister and dad who waited in the car.

I was thinking about suicide.

My big sister and I waited and waited to get some pain killers. She sat cooing at the babies whilst I rocked curled in a ball crying histerically. I took several trips to the toilets and banged my head hard on the wall hoping I could bash the pain out of me but to no avail. Eventually I got some pain pills and anti-inflammatory pills. Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night.

Sick as a dog.

The pills make me throw up everything including water. I couldn't eat because it hurt too much and I constantly felt sick.

Sunday my mum managed to get me an appointment at the emergency dentist in Newton Abbot. We went over by bus as mum can't drive because she's hurt her shoulder.

I threw up in Paignton town centre.

At the dentist I was told I have an infected abscess on my gum and he needs to cut my gum to let the infection fluid out. I couldn't have an anaesthetic because of the swelling so with nothing to assist with the pain her took out a scapulae and cut my gum open.

Oh my fucking god did that hurt and bleed!

I threw up again in the in the toilet in the surgery and again outside.

It was a mission to get my prescription of antibiotics because all the pharmacies were closed. We ended up in casualty again. They didn't have the antibiotics I was prescribed but they gave me some other Strong ones.

Monday I got the original prescription.

I start taking my medication at 7am and don't finish till 11pm.

I've never known this much pain, pain to the point I want to kill myself and it's not over yet! Tuesday I have to have the tooth taken out and I'm going to be awake!

My girlfriend is going to be paying for this for a very long time both financially and otherwise.


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