Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mum, we're moving home!

After my hospital trip I got my girlfriend to phone work telling them that I wouldn't be coming back.

Money as I've mentioned was very tight but things got a lot worse and there was no way I could afford to pay the rent and bills so something had to give, but what?

The flat had to go.

A week was all it took to arrange the move, pack and move.

My brother and his mate came up on Saturday, packed everything into a van and I left with them heading for home, my parents home. My girlfriend has had to stay in Kent to work notice at her job and sign the flat over but she will be joining me here in Devon by the end of August.

The first few days at my parents house were like a trip down from Liverpool but I soon came to realise that I'm here for good, not forever at my parents house but in Devon.

I've been getting out and about more, seeing and doing things that I wouldn't have living in Kent. I've been to the beach, seen friends and family and for a long time not felt alone. It's all still surreal but over time I will get used to being back in a familiar place.

I think I will be happier here.

Fallen-Angel X

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