Saturday, June 30, 2007

In The Hunt

A few days later I went on 'The Hunt' for a new job. I started with the job centre website and applied for several different jobs. I also walked Rochester and Chatham handing out C.V's and filling in applications.

In Rochester I bumped into a client from Orchard View with his parents. He asked me how I was, told me he missed me and gave me a hug, something that was forbidden in the home.

The first week I enjoyed off. I got around to all those things we never have time for.

By the second week I was starting to get worried that I didn't have a job yet.

The third week I was in panic because funds were low and I knew nothing was going to come in without me working. I did have two job interviews.

The oh so glamorous fast food restaurant that I detest the food of. I had two interviews and an induction when they gave me the job.

Yes, I applied for my old job back but not as senior but as a support worker. I miss the ladies of the home a lot. The interview was with the old Acting Home Manager and the new manager. At the time I thought I did shit, everything went wrong, everything I said came out muddled. She asked me about transport (one of the reasons I left). I knew it was going to come up and I didn't have any answers for her that were any different from when I previously worked there. She said she'd let me know by the end of next week as they had another person to interview. If I don't get the job I know it's because the other candidate drives. They asked to contact details from my last job. I don't think the manager will say anything bad because we had a good and understanding professional relationship.

It's week four of my unemployment and I'm so worried about money. I have applied for a one thousand pound graduate loan from the bank with a two month break before re-payments. It's my only option and the interest rate is very low as it's a graduate loan, I just hope I get it.

I am waiting for someone to phone me to tell me my hours for McDonald's then I can officially start.

I'm not really looking forward to working at McDonald's because of their food. It's not a fear that I'll gorge on it, quite the opposite. I despise fast food especially fried fast food. I'm not keen either of smelling like a fryer or burger. It's a good and long walk to there which I don't mind because the more the exercise the better it is for me.


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