Monday, June 11, 2007

Client Holiday One-Haven, Brighton

Saturday September 2nd 2006

We set off at 10am, stopped for lunch where I had a small vegetarian breakfast though I should have just had toast. We finally arrived at 3:30pm and unpacked into our caravans. Dinner was take out where I had to eat cheese and chips. We went to the evening entertainment and had a few drinks and a dance.

Sunday September 3rd 2006

A relaxing morning before swimming. I felt really fat in my bikini but looking at other people I began not to feel so bad. There were loads of over weight people in barely covering swim suits. I ate loads today because we didn't do anything this afternoon and when I'm not occupied I eat. Tonight we saw Cinderella and all I could do was look at the guy who played the prince because he was so thin, I wish I was. I did some exercises in my room tonight.

Monday September 4th 2006

Went shopping in the local town. I pushed a client around all day in her wheelchair. At first I wanted just to help but when I turned down offers of taking turns I realised that I was burning more calories through pushing her, calories that I would burn and no one else. I didn't have a main meal but I did have a sandwich later. We all dressed up to go out and I just looked so rounded and very bloated it made me feel sick.

Tuesday September 5th 2006

We went for a walk to the beach today. I had toast and an apple for breakfast, a cigarette and 250ml of diet sprite for lunch and a couple of spoons of pasta for dinner.

Wednesday September 6th 2006

We all laid in till 11am and then went bowling. We stayed in tonight as everyone is looking very tired.

Thursday September 7th 2006

I'm feeling really tired and mentally exhausted but I have to push on because of the ladies. I have eaten less today but I can always do better.

Friday September 8th 2006

I don't have an entry for the end of the holiday but I clearly remember feeling very low and tired.


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