Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A tearful start to a new life.

I spent hours fighting back the tears alone in the lounge.

I went out front for another cigarette and phoned a friend whom I'd stayed with on my first visit to Kent, the home of the place where we had our first kiss. I didn't mean to cry so much or so hard, I just wanted someone to talk to. It turned out that she was on the phone to the couple upstairs whom had left me alone in their lounge in this strange county. The couple came downstairs wondering why I had phoned her and why I couldn't have just gone into their office and talked to them. I didn't say what I was thinking because they seemed angry at me. If I would've I would have said; I'm scared, lonely, I just want to see her, I need a cuddle and I want to go home where I am familiar with everything, and I don't want to be here anymore.
They took me in their car to where she worked and I was told to wait outside until they had been in and bought her outside. She came out dressed in her work uniform with a face that read 'what the hell is going on?'. I walked up to the shop and she saw that it was me. We hugged each other so tightly and I never wanted to let go.

I was fighting off the tears as hard as I could.

The next thought that crossed my mind was that now I had seen her that I would have to go back to their house feeling awkward and being abandoned again, alone but that wasn't the case. They drove me to our friends house and a familiar setting. I was dropped there and told we would be picked up later.
I was so glad to be in a place that I wasn't abandoned and that bared some resemblance to familiarity.

Minutes ticked by like hours and hours like days.

Then, the door opened stood there was the one, the entire reason for my move and abandonment of familiarity.

That night we stayed at the couples house. We didn't sleep and watched DVDs all night chatting away. I was tired as I hadn't slept for two days and the drama of moving had taken its toll on me and I fell asleep for an hour or so.

The plot to Kidnap Bob, as it was called was now complete.


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