Saturday, May 14, 2005

Poem: Friendship that became love

At a time when life couldn't get much worse
you turned around, stared me straight in the eye.
You told me that we shall no longer be.
The shards of broken glass
cut my heart into shreds.

My tears were black and you turned them red.
I took the ring off for the last time
placing it into your hand.
Our blood stained tears fell dripping
upon our clasped hands.
The enclosed ring glistened in the sand.
We kissed for the last time.
A final embrace before we departed.

Our eyes parted the same way they met
almost five years ago across the park.
My best friend now I loved.
For ever we would not be.
Summer after summer we returned to the park.
Your bright eyes glistened in the sunlight.
You tanned complexion radiant.
You stature perfection.

No bad memories exist of our teenage years.
Laugh after laugh,
tear after tear
we climbed the walls fighting
our trials and tribulations.

The love remains,
still there are no complains.
The fire still burns
like my stomach still churns
every time I think of you.
Chris my best friend who I loved to kiss.
For ever in our hearts the love exists.

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