Thursday, February 24, 2005

A new plan of life

Its eairly evening and I've been online for a few hours now on the messagevboards posting. I'm catching up as I've been away visiting the parentals. I crave so many things like chocolate and pizza although I've been diagnosed lactose intolerant again and so can not eat event the littlest of dairy products although its all I crave right now. I don't consume much in the way of dairy theses days but no more. Its strange I don't usually crave dairy but its like smoking once you stop you really crave.

Another stepping stone in my life begins when I awake a with new regime. A plan of the forthcoming month of which failure is not an option. To strive for results and the ability to strive for what I want. Although I'm not sure these days what I want aside death, like people are going to let me do that!

My days start at 5:30am with work, then college from 9am until 3-6pm (depending on what day), gym for 2 hours, swim and home about 7-9pm and bed! Ok when its written like that it looks a bit manic but hey I don't sleep so shouldn't be a problem.

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