Sunday, November 28, 2004

Poem: Blood

It like fire to the human eye.
No one can see me screaming
but obviously still see me bleeding.
The blade loves me
Do you?

The razor blade in bodily form
its as real as the midnight storm.
Blood trailing down.
Its al around.
I relax and then relapse.
I'm unstable yet able.

Dried on blood.
I'm looking at the pain.
I can't stop
I'm addicted to the blame.
there's nothing you can do
I'm just to dependent on this game.

The blades cold
yet my wrists burn.
I sit on my own,
turn my back to this world.
I've paid my debt.

Regaining consciousness
I realize something not right.
I can see the morning light.
Have I been out all night?

I have to get to the bathroom,
need to beat the rush,
have to wash the blood
though my sight is blurred
and all I can see is red.
I want to go back to bed
like I did before I bled.

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