Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

Its thanksgiving today and for many a joyous occasion, but not for people like me. Although I'm not American many of my friends are who live both in the states and England. Its meant to be a cause for celebration, bringing people together and feasting. Not for those addicted to the ana lifestyle. Its a difficult time and may give the secret away.

The moment comes that you've been dreading all week, you sit at the dining table. The display of food makes your mouth water, you look, stare and smell. Do you dare? Surely one bit won't hurt. It will, and giving in under pressure is weak.

For after you stuffed your face you run to the bathroom to purge it all back up. You are on your knees begging ana for forgiveness. You hope she takes you back. You try to cover and blag your way out of eating but your friends and family start to question you, your behaviour. What then? You need to posses the power to deceive the ones you love.

Its your secret.

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