Sunday, November 14, 2004


I woke up today feeling weak and frail, it took a while before I could sit up. My body is weak but I managed to stand. I walked to the bathroom, but I'm dizzy and found I'm having to stop. Strange as it may sound when I stood up I had to wait for the world to catch up with me. I made dinner this afternoon but I couldn't eat, not even half. I thought if I could eat I would feel stronger since I've been on the ana plan for a week, but Couldn't do it. I tried eating slow, chewing more but nothing worked, so I gave up. I wasn't hungry at all just thought it might give me some strenth.

The room still spins as I wonder if I will make it through college tomorrow. I dance all day, is all I know and cannot fail. I have ballet, contemporary and tap, four and a half hours dancing.

Will I cope? I do not know, but I must go on and try my best.

My body is still cold from not eating and I feel I can't do anything to warm it up. I wear layers of clothes, gloves, slippers and yet I shiver. I sit infront of the fire and nothing. I go to sleep shivering clutching my hot water bottle, I wake up just as cold.
This has never happened to be before on the ana program, so why now?

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