Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Call 999 For me

My first day at McDonald's was okay as far as first days at new jobs go. I was working the drive thru till with another girl taking orders, money and giving out straws and tissues in bags. Between cars we made up Happy Meal boxes.

The second day I was back on the same till but I was alone and boy did I make a lot of mistakes! You can't change and order without the supervisors card and each time I asked for it I got yelled at! Half the time it wasn't even my fault because customers change their minds too!

Hell, give the new girl a break and stop yelling at me!

From the start I didn't really want to be there but I made the most of the situation. I hated the staff they were stuck up and rude not that they had anything to be stuck up about and the uniform was horrid.

Two and a half weeks later I was late for work and had to get a taxi in. I got changed quickly and clocked in. The air conditioning was broken so it was incredibly hot in the kitchen. I served a customer on the drive thru. All of a sudden I became very dizzy and light headed. I was sweating and couldn't breathe. I sat in the staff room and the world caught up with me. Back in the kitchen I was serving another customer and I messed up an order because I couldn't see anything as everything went black and fuzzy. A supervisor came over and said something angrily at me and served the customer. I told her I didn't feel well and she nastily told me I might as well go home as I was no use. I staggered into the staff room and collapsed on the sofa.

I couldn't breathe, see, hear and my heart was pounding very hard and fast.

I asked a crew member came in to change for his shift and I asked him to call me an ambulance because I couldn't breathe. I don't really remember what happened but my bitch of a supervisor came in and asked me if she could phone my parents to meet me at the hospital. I asked her to phone my girlfriend which she did.

Why phone my parents who live five hours away?

I was taken to Gillingham hospital by ambulance. I had loads of tests done on the way and given gas and air, that stuff it brilliant!

At the hospital my girlfriend met up with me as doctors and nursed prodded and poked me, they stuck monitors on me and passed me around.

The diagnosis?

A panic attack brought on by stress and heat from work. The chest pains were due to my heart skipping beats.

I was sent home later that day and told to take time off work.

I never went back to McDonald's.


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