Saturday, June 30, 2007

Insomnia And Mid Night Binge Eating

Admittedly I've never had good sleep pattens or routines. I've had bouts of Insomnia all of my life. I can remember as a child being wide awake when being tucked up in bed, playing by the light of the street lamps out of the window until the early hours of the morning.

No sleep it nothing new but binge eating at night is.

Since I have been unemployed for almost a month my sleep Paten is well and truly out of the window and down the street partying. I very rarely go to bed and sleep and almost never at the same time as my girlfriend.

What she must think is beyond me.

I know my fault and it all boils down to this; I don't have a reason to get up early so why not stay up late. Late for me mean the next day thus I sleep most of the day and the night sleeping is a thing of the past.

I get the odd times when I stay up thirty hours and manage to sleep at night but it only lasts that night and I'm back to square one.

I went to see the doctor a few weeks ago hoping that they'd give me something but I came out with a leaflet, not what I expected. I've tried everything and more of the 'good sleep hygiene routine' and not a single thing has had an effect let alone worked.

It's really hard being up all night because there isn't that much to do.

So I eat.

I don't eat all day, all evening but then it hits the 'hard hours' of the morning namely between four and six am. At this point my gard is down and I eat. I don't eat a snack I eat everything and in large quantities. I hate that I do it but I can't seem to stop. I'm desperate to sleep at night so I can stop this.

People don't understand what it's like to be a suffer of Insomnia, it's hard. Everything becomes a huge effort and deep depression sets in taking over everything. In the dead of night everything is put under the microscope and studded, and for me it's my being. The fact that I'm jobless, moody, have headaches, a recluse, binge eating and have bad memory to count a few.

I have become more of a recluse than I was now that I don't have a job I barely go out. I go out to job interviews or to the gym, maybe on occasion to the corner shop but that's about it. I don't go out unless I have a point or a reason to.

I feel very lonely most of the time because I have no one to communicate with. I don't talk much because I have nothing to say. I talk to my girlfriend but even she has ran out of things to say because everything she suggests goes out of the window. I really neglect her.

My memory is terrible and I'm in two minds as to the cause. On the one hand it could be a result of years of nutritional neglect though Anorexia and on the other the result of Insomnia.
I have trouble remembering the day before and sometimes a few hours before.

I'm confused a lot of the time.


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