Its officially the start of yet another fast. I'm feeling optimistic this time as I haven't planned a number of days to fast because when I used to do this I would count down the hours until I could eat thus deceiving the point. I'm just going to go for as long as I feel physically capable beyond that I am putting my body at risk. I understand that fasting is a risk in itself but prolonged fasts of over forty days are both unnecessary and dangerous not that I would ever go for that long. My longest fast was at fifteen when I fasted for fifteen days. I got through the days occupying myself and resting s lot but I was in school then and the physical demands from that and dancing were less than they are now.
I had planned to fast Sunday but decided against it for no particular reason. when I first planned this fast it was last Friday and I would start Monday so I have not cheated technically.
This time is going to be harder than my last fast over the Easter break as I will be dancing in college daily and the demands with work are higher pending our final production in June and all assessments due in.
I have just spent the best part of the day and up until now doing college work. I have done a whole business assignment and an essay for body maintenance on the effects of exercise upon the body both due tomorrow. I did the best part of the business assignment yesterday but no thanks to my laptop deciding to crash lost everything although it was saved. I rebooted my laptop but it wasn't there so today I had to again search on-line for the information and start over. I was pissed off to say the least!
There is nothing left to do aside my choreography group piece due next Tuesday but I'm not going to start dancing around at past two AM!
I went on line to update the message boards and talk to people who I haven't in a while and surprised many who asked where the heck have I been and if I was OK. I used to go on-line almost daily but now I don't seem to I'd rather stay put in the comfort and safety of my room.
I've become more hidden and everyone has noticed how retracted I am. Today my house mate asked me how I was sleeping and I simply replied the truth, I haven't. Sleep has become a distant thing and I do worry about it because fasting, dancing all day and no sleep has got to end in tragedy. Once the hunger and weakness of the fast sets in I will find it easier to sleep. When I fast I sleep deeper and get a good nights rest.
I didn't sleep last night, I finally fell asleep at six AM waking at one PM. I got my usual seven hours but the pattern is deadly. I have to be up at eight AM and am here with little hope of sleeping this morning. Its better to stay up until the next time its bedtime to reset your body clock but for me that doesn't happen as by the next night I'm still wide awake. I'm used to little or no sleep and my body doesn't recognise I'm tired until I'm exhausted days later